To create the artwork for the vegetable recipe cards, like stated in the brief I have been experimenting with mixed media techniques. As you can see from the images below I have been using vegetables to print with and the outcomes that I have produced I am pleased with.
The broccoli I was quite looking forward to using as it was my original idea for using it to print. This veg worked perfectly for printing as I could paint the inner stalk and print with that and then use the top of the floret dabbed in paint to create the same part on the print. (hard to explain but you may see from the picture)
Celebration Squash- this veg did not work quite as well for printing so I then did a painting of the squash as well to compare and see which worked better overall.
Left is a print, Right is a painting
For the mushroom, there is a mixture of printing, painting and also a collage (which will be scanned in) of a print & stalk of a real mushroom.
The mixed media printing has worked well, and the prints have scanned in really well which means they will be easily edited on photoshop.
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