Friday, 21 March 2014

Wild Out West // Feedback

After receiving some good feedback from my client I now am ready to get to printing, the client was extremely happy with the design.  We have also now been discussing the idea of printing and laminating (or perhaps making out of wood) these signs to put along the road along the way to help festival goers find their way to the site (because its the deep countryside of cumbria and hard to navigate).

New Brief // Brand Festival & Event Deco Business // Collaboration


A collaboration between myself and a second year Interdisciplinary Art & Design Student.  We both have similar views and interests within events and would like to specialise in Festivals.  In an ideal world we would love to create art installations, signage for festivals and even perhaps begin a stall at festivals doing workshops and selling crafts. 


Treat our aims almost like a business and brand the organisation / collective we decide to become.  The main part of the brief for myself is to come up with a logo design for ourselves to use and other branding like business cards.  The rest of the brief is quite open ended as I will be collaborating with Megan to create Signage to be used at a festival stall and/or some sort of Art Installation - which is more Megans part of the collaboration.

I will re-write this brief to be more professional after we've had our first session working on what we want to get out of it.


As a collective we will also supply decoration for festivals and events.

Jaypee // Initial Idea's

Wild Out West // Extra Experiments

Although all this brief asks for is wristband design, it would be really fun to expand the range to other festivally goods.  Things I have in mind are t-shirts/ signage for the festival site.

Wild Out West // Design Development

Initially I attempted a few different styles of hand - rendered type.  

The idea of it being hand - rendered is much more playful and fun than an average computer generated type.  Also because I have chosen to further the African Pattern theme it seems to make sense and tie in well with the overall aesthetic.

An earlier idea of mine was to have an octopus with headphones on, and the wire for the headphones would create the lettering for 'Wild Out West.'  I decided against this idea as it seemed to be less relevant than the other idea.

You can see the pencil drawing is a rough draft of what the band may eventually look like.  Below I experimented/ developed further the typography ready to scan into the computer.

I then digitalized the illustrations to manipulate into the correct size and shape for the band.

This is the design which I have sent on to Paddy and Megan for them to give me some feedback on it and suggest any possible changes they may wish me to make.

To help the client visualize what the final product may look like I have also sent on the band with an example of what the colour may look like.

After staring at the design for a while, I think the white space around the lettering is too much of a contrast to the pattern around the outside.  Here is my solution:

(still waiting to receive feedback from client)

Wild Out West // Development

Thursday, 20 March 2014

DIY // Back to Scrap

So today Emily and I went back to Sunny Bank Mills and back to Scrap to do some of the photography from our zines.  The building was so inspiring that I found it hard to stop taking photo's!  We also managed to pick up further materials to help us produce more crafts for the project.

Photo's to come...

So the Therapy Zine is now coming together, after we've done the photography for the dream catchers and folded books.

We have now spent time planning for the Fabric Zine which is going to be more of a focus of mine as the crafts I generate are often quite textiley.  

Here's a quick list of things you can expect to see throughout this Zine:
  • Tie Dye
  • Veg Dye
  • Bunting
  • Hanging Owls
  • Quotes - get stitching.  Also we would like to join a stitch n bitch or knit and natter, to collect funny overheard quotes from knitters and natterers, as we imagine the kind of jargon they use could be quite specific and generally a group of womens conversations could be quite funny.
  • Experimentation with different stitch techniques used on sewing machine
  • Embroidery
  • Embroidery Ring Art
  • Button Pages
  • Applique Design
  • Materials Photographs
  • Crochet
  • Weaving of Sticks (You'll see what I mean eventually)

Here's a list of what I need to do for the Therapy Zine:
  • I need to create some sort of tutorial to show have I have done the book folding (however it should be pretty self explanatory)
  • A page marker as we are each making our own for our books.  I thought perhaps mine could be the friendship bracelet I learned how to knot.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Save Bees // Development of Seed Packaging

Wild Out West // Wristbands

Before being able to properly start the wristband design I need to know the printable area dimensions of the wristbands.

Save the Bees // Seed Packaging

The Seed Packets are meant for people to pick up and take away and scatter wherever they wish.  If they choose to do it in their garden then they'll get to enjoy the loveliness but if they even do it on a random verge at the side of a road, it is still helping the cause.  

The idea is easy for people to commit to and do.  The seeds will be a free part of the campaign, along with all the other information on offer, people will go away understanding how to do their wee part to help save the Bees!

When I started the design of the seed packaging I went straight to doing it on the computer, which was silly and something I never do. 

But I felt that I knew what I wanted it to look like because it was going to follow the same aesthetic as the booklet.  I wasn't happy with the way they were looking though so I went back and tried a few different ideas using the stock which I wished to use for the actual packaging.

I want the packaging to be as eco-friendly as possible.  If I can get away with it I would like to not use glue.  I am considering sewing the edges... it just seems to work along with the quote 'Sow Seeds Save Bees' 

I am going to ask for peer feedback on this and find out what other people think.

Wild Out West Festival // African Patterns

*Just wanted to note that the festival is called Wild Out West because it is going to be in the beautiful countryside of the West Coast of Cumbria.

For the African Inspired Patterns idea I have came up with I went to the library and took out a book called African Designs to use as a source book.

Below are some images of designs and patterns which I think work well as patterns and could be manipulated to fit the wristband idea.

So I tried my hand at a few quick patterns...

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

DIY Crafts // Illustration

As I love illustrations and the illustration style/ doodles which I produce fit in well with the overall style of the zines which we are producing, I have handed over some digitalized versions of my drawings to Emily for her to use when designing the layout of the books.

Further Illustrations

Borders - leafy/ flowery/ antiquey/ old fashioned (a variety)
Watering Can
Henna Patterns
Pattern Clusters
Hanging Baskets
Balls of string / Materials
Potted Plants

Research into Binding

Think/ Consider Quotes

Growing Your Own // Squash // Superfoods

One of my absolute favourite vegetables is squash.

It is native to our country and relatively easy to grow.  There are so many different types and they taste amazing.  Generally Butternut squash is the most available type of squash in supermarkets as mainly only smaller grocers or health food shops tend to stock a wider variety of the veg.

This image can give you an insight into just how much of a variety it available.

The Royal Horticulture Society is a good source for advising on how to grow vegetables, this link has information about growing squash.

Something else foody and vegetabley that interests me is SUPER FOODS.  They are so positively good for you that people need to know more about this subject... including me.

And Squash is a superfood!  Perhaps this could be more of a direction, because vegetables as a whole is a massive subject.