Wednesday, 12 March 2014

DIY Crafts // Photography

The photography of the crafts and 'how to's' has played a large part of this project for Emily and I.  Initially we began the brief with the idea that the final outcome would be a 'how to' manual of different craft idea's designed by us.  Initially we began taking photographs in our living room which we had made into our studio for the time being, with poor lighting and equipment, the photographs lacked the quality which we wanted for our manual.

As you can see the lighting is just too dark in these photographs.

A selection of photographs which I took at SCRAP.  There's something about these photo's which I really like and I would like for them to be featured in the zines.  It would make sense for a couple of the materials photo's to be in the fabrics zine which is more my focus, as much of my crafts is fabric based.  I think the photo's turned out well because of the lighting in the warehouse/ mill building, there were so many windows.

Before we decided to change the brief slightly - to create zines featuring craft and crafty lifestyles, instead of the original manual idea, we booked out the photography studio to get some shots of the 'how to' photographs.

We later decided that because of the new nature of the brief, the photographs didn't have to be as clean and precise, the photography could now be more conceptual and interesting.

These are two of our more favoured photo's from the photography studio session.

These are photographs which I assembled:

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