Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Save the Bees // Seed Packaging

The Seed Packets are meant for people to pick up and take away and scatter wherever they wish.  If they choose to do it in their garden then they'll get to enjoy the loveliness but if they even do it on a random verge at the side of a road, it is still helping the cause.  

The idea is easy for people to commit to and do.  The seeds will be a free part of the campaign, along with all the other information on offer, people will go away understanding how to do their wee part to help save the Bees!

When I started the design of the seed packaging I went straight to doing it on the computer, which was silly and something I never do. 

But I felt that I knew what I wanted it to look like because it was going to follow the same aesthetic as the booklet.  I wasn't happy with the way they were looking though so I went back and tried a few different ideas using the stock which I wished to use for the actual packaging.

I want the packaging to be as eco-friendly as possible.  If I can get away with it I would like to not use glue.  I am considering sewing the edges... it just seems to work along with the quote 'Sow Seeds Save Bees' 

I am going to ask for peer feedback on this and find out what other people think.

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